I have been told I have an issue with Attention Deficit Disorder. In my defense, I'd like to point out to my wife that ADD isn't a valid medical diagnosis any longer. I must, however, defer to her greater knowledge of the field and of me. She's had to put up with me for decades now, so she's probably on to something. I am easily distracted and have a low tolerance for the frustration that follows interruption after interruption. Why admit this now? I needed a segue to my real message.
Work has finally finished on the third installment of my Never's Tempest Series, and, frankly, it was a long time coming. This was not a from-scratch effort. The rough drafts of all four books in the series were completed in 2020. Two of the novels have already been published and are available on Amazon. But during the intervening years, when I sat down to write out the prose - the narrative - for the next story, I found the buzz of my phone, the bell of social media, and that pesky pandemic we used to talk about, to be loud and obnoxious intrusions at every step I took with the story. Why? Because this is the one I have looked forward to and dreaded for years.
I don't know what this story will say about me as an author or a human being - that will be for readers to decide. Still, I know that 'The Twisting of Ten' is a monumental journey wrapped in emotional importance for the characters I've created here. I don't mean to sound like a self-aggrandizing, bloviating fool, but in my small corner of the planet, this one seems more important to me than other pieces on which I've worked. I'll leave it at that.
So, if you wondered about the lack of posts and the even fewer interactions by me on social media during the last few solar cycles, know that I was still around - still pounding away on the keyboard. I just needed to pause the parts of the world that would allow it so that I could bring this thing into being. And now, back to your regularly scheduled programs. Thanks for tuning in.
Peace and blessings.
The first two books of Samuel C. Greenlees' Never's Tempest Series are available for purchase today on Amazon.com or read for free with a Kindle Unlimited subscription.
Book 3 in the series is scheduled to be released in June 2024.